Genre:.....................WWII Film
Language:...............German - No Subs
This 1955 film is an adaptation of the eponymous play by Carl Zuckmayer, which tells the story of renegade general Harras of the German Luftwaffe, who during World War II openly criticizes the Nazi regime. As a consequence, he is put under surveillance and even imprisoned for a brief period of time. Still remaining outspoken, Harras realizes the horrific dimensions of this hopeless and unjust war waged by Germany. Meanwhile, his friend, an aviation engineer, is sabotaging fighter planes in order to stop the madness.
Language:...............German - No Subs
This 1955 film is an adaptation of the eponymous play by Carl Zuckmayer, which tells the story of renegade general Harras of the German Luftwaffe, who during World War II openly criticizes the Nazi regime. As a consequence, he is put under surveillance and even imprisoned for a brief period of time. Still remaining outspoken, Harras realizes the horrific dimensions of this hopeless and unjust war waged by Germany. Meanwhile, his friend, an aviation engineer, is sabotaging fighter planes in order to stop the madness.