Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:.................German - No Subs
At the break of dawn 22nd June, 1941 an immense wall of fire sweeps over the Soviet border. More than three million German soldiers begin with operation "Barbarossa". At the beginning of September 1941, Army group North fought their way through to Leningrad and cut off the city from all sides. Hitler wants to besiege the city and starve its people. A mistake, because only in autumn, 1941 Army Group North is strong enough to conquer the city. Instead, Hitler orders his divisions to go pass Leningrad and to venture North-East towards the Wolchow and join with the Finns. The 220 kilometer long Wolchow is of strategical importance. From its source in the north of the Ilmen lakes to Sjasstroi, where it flows into Lake Ladoga. With a width from up to 600 meters and its marshy, unclear riparian zones it forms an ideal natural defensive zone. Who controls the Wolchow, has the better military initial position. Stalin knows that aswell: To prevent the Germans of getting access to the Wolchow, his pioneers establish a deeply graded position system in the approaches to the river, since weeks.