Genre:.....................WWII Action-Series
Language:.................English - English Subs
"The Pacific" tracks the intertwined odysseys of three U.S. Marines - Robert Leckie (James Badge Dale), Eugene Sledge (Joseph Mazzello) and John Basilone (Jon Seda) - across the vast canvas of the Pacific.The extraordinary experiences of these men and their fellow Marines take them from the first clash with the Japanese in the haunted jungles of Guadalcanal, through the impenetrable rain forests of Cape Gloucester, across the blasted coral strongholds of Peleliu, up the black sand terraces of Iwo Jima, through the killing fields of Okinawa, to the triumphant, yet uneasy, return home after V-J Day.
In the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Marine Sgt. John Basilone prepares to ship out; budding journalist Robert Leckie enlists in the Marine Corps; Sidney Phillips leaves for boot camp; the 1st Marine Division lands on Guadalcanal.