maandag 11 oktober 2010

Convoy, War for the Atlantic - EP1

Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:.................English - No Subs
Picture:...................Colour - B&W
Runtime:..................47 mins

Find out how Atlantic convoys and brave sailors served and saved Britain during WWII. As the rest of Europe fell to the Nazis, only the convoys of ships bringing vital supplies from North America kept Britain from surrendering. This four-part series follows the story of that Atlantic war, charting the turning tide of the campaign as U-boats and supply ships played a deadly game of cat-and-mouse on the ocean’s watery expanse. From the early success of the German submarines, to the escalating arms race and new techniques that saw the Allies fight back, find out how the Atlantic convoys and the brave sailors who served in them saved Britain.

Wolfpack Rising
As Britain stands alone against Nazi Germany in 1940, packs of Nazi U-Boats threaten to bring her to her knees by targeting supply convoys.