Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:.................English - No Subs
Picture:...................B&W - Colour
Runtime:..................22 mins
The most comprehensive series ever produced on the Fighter Aces of World War II. Each program includes extraordinary air combat footage shot at the height of raging dogfights. Surviving Fighter Aces from all sides of the conflict - from Japan, Germany, Britain, Russia, Canada, Australia and the United States, provide vivid and graphic first hand accounts of what it was really like to be a fighter pilot in some of the greatest air battles the world has ever known.
Episode 1: Knights in the Sky
A galaxy of international aces are seen in aerial combat as a series prelude. They describe the qualities great aces must have, and recall a heritage that begins with chivalrous fighter duels of World War I and ends when Luftwaffe pilots hone their skills in Spain during the bloody dress rehearsal for World War II.