Genre:.....................WWII Film
Language:................English - English Subs
AGE OF HEROES is an all-guns-blazing, World War II action film based on the incredible true story of the British special ops division 30 Commando, starring Sean Bean and Danny Dyer. Following the first mission of this elite unit, formed by 'James Bond' author Ian Fleming and a precursor to the modern day SAS, AGE OF HEROES' 30 Commando take on the might of the Fuhrer's armed forces in a thrilling life-or-death operation.
Language:................English - English Subs
AGE OF HEROES is an all-guns-blazing, World War II action film based on the incredible true story of the British special ops division 30 Commando, starring Sean Bean and Danny Dyer. Following the first mission of this elite unit, formed by 'James Bond' author Ian Fleming and a precursor to the modern day SAS, AGE OF HEROES' 30 Commando take on the might of the Fuhrer's armed forces in a thrilling life-or-death operation.