Genre:.....................WWII Film
Language:.................English and German - English Subs
Terrance Forbes and Johnny Hamilton lead an international mission into the heart of Nazi territory. Unfortunately, their plane crashes and the crew must evade Nazis on a mission to escape that has both personal and national consequences. The crew has learned of a secret Nazi military facility and they must get the news back to England and the United States. However, to do so means transversing by train, foot, automobile, and even by roofs, battling Nazis and saboteurs.
Language:.................English and German - English Subs
Terrance Forbes and Johnny Hamilton lead an international mission into the heart of Nazi territory. Unfortunately, their plane crashes and the crew must evade Nazis on a mission to escape that has both personal and national consequences. The crew has learned of a secret Nazi military facility and they must get the news back to England and the United States. However, to do so means transversing by train, foot, automobile, and even by roofs, battling Nazis and saboteurs.