Genre:.....................WWII Film
Language:.................English - No Subs
The story of a man tryin to hold his family together in a world uncontrollably coming apart. Inside the walls of the famous Warsaw ghetto of 1943, amidst the methodic cruelty of the occupying
Germans - and growing rumors of revolt - Rabbi Adam Heller works to maintain calm within his community, while wrestling with his own sense of growing despair. But the sudden and angry reappearance of his son and a miraculous chance at survival for his daughter leads Heller to confront the ultimate crisis of faith and his one final shot at redemption.
Language:.................English - No Subs
The story of a man tryin to hold his family together in a world uncontrollably coming apart. Inside the walls of the famous Warsaw ghetto of 1943, amidst the methodic cruelty of the occupying
Germans - and growing rumors of revolt - Rabbi Adam Heller works to maintain calm within his community, while wrestling with his own sense of growing despair. But the sudden and angry reappearance of his son and a miraculous chance at survival for his daughter leads Heller to confront the ultimate crisis of faith and his one final shot at redemption.