Genre:.....................WWII Film
Language:.................English - Dutch Subs
As Hitlers Blitzkrieg sweeps across the Low Countries in early 1940, a squadron of Belgian pilots take temporary shelter with their aircraft on a Flemish Farm. Here, farmers daughter Trescha tends the wounded pilot Matagne and the two fall in love. When the decision comes to evacuate to RAF bases in England, Matagne secretly buries the Regimental Flag rather than destroy it as ordered. As the time comes to leave, Matagne has to be forced to go and leave his beloved Trescha. Now safe in England, he dreams of retrieving the Regimental Flag from underneath the noses of the invading Germans.
Language:.................English - Dutch Subs
As Hitlers Blitzkrieg sweeps across the Low Countries in early 1940, a squadron of Belgian pilots take temporary shelter with their aircraft on a Flemish Farm. Here, farmers daughter Trescha tends the wounded pilot Matagne and the two fall in love. When the decision comes to evacuate to RAF bases in England, Matagne secretly buries the Regimental Flag rather than destroy it as ordered. As the time comes to leave, Matagne has to be forced to go and leave his beloved Trescha. Now safe in England, he dreams of retrieving the Regimental Flag from underneath the noses of the invading Germans.