Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 6 : Germany's Third and Last Chance
Battle of the Atlantic : The Battle of the Atlantic very nearly brought Britain to her knees and proved to be one of the most crucial campaigns of the war. Deadly weapons including H2S maritime search radar were developed to combat the German U Boat menace. Aircraft Featured: Fairey Swordfish, FW Condor, Short Sunderland, Lockheed Hudson, PBY Catalina, Liberator, HE111 and Dornier 217.
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 6 : Germany's Third and Last Chance
Battle of the Atlantic : The Battle of the Atlantic very nearly brought Britain to her knees and proved to be one of the most crucial campaigns of the war. Deadly weapons including H2S maritime search radar were developed to combat the German U Boat menace. Aircraft Featured: Fairey Swordfish, FW Condor, Short Sunderland, Lockheed Hudson, PBY Catalina, Liberator, HE111 and Dornier 217.