Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 12 : The Fighters
The Evolution of the Fighter in World War II : The World War Two period saw the development of the fighter aircraft from the biplane through to the introduction of the first jet fighter aircraft.Aircraft featured in this volume include the Mustang, Spitfire, Hurricane, BF109, BF110, P40, P38 and Zero.
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 12 : The Fighters
The Evolution of the Fighter in World War II : The World War Two period saw the development of the fighter aircraft from the biplane through to the introduction of the first jet fighter aircraft.Aircraft featured in this volume include the Mustang, Spitfire, Hurricane, BF109, BF110, P40, P38 and Zero.