Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:.................English - No Subs
Mission for Mussolini primarily revolves around the personal task Mussolini assigned to military war correspondent to CORRIERE DELLA SERRA Teniente Luigi Romersa to determine the factual basis for Hitler's reassurances of Nazi super-weapons, to include a bomb of devastating power. In pursuit of this, Romersa, armed with letters from the Duce himself, was allowed by Hitler to go to the top secret weapon development and test centers, off limits to even most German generals.These reportedly included witnessing of a German atomic test on the island of Rugen, for which radiologic evidence exists even today. Further, evidence is shown of a second test at Ohrdruf, and the surviving eyewitness is interviewed on camera. Also presented are chilling statements from KZ survivors who participated in the horrific cleanup of this live test on some 500 Russian POWs. There are discussions of the overt and covert German atomic programs, of SS involvement, interviews with the author of THE GERMAN BOMB.