Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:.................German - No Subs
On the 1st October, 1934 colonel Heinz Guderian was appointed "Commander in Chief of the armoured forces”. His first goal was to construct three armoured divisions with six Panzerregiments. In the course of these measures, Panzer Regiment 8 originated under the command of the 3rd armoured division that also originated in the autumn of 1936, in Camp Zossen.On the 3rd September, 1939 the war started for Panzer Regiment 8. As part of the 2nd Armycorps of 4th Army, they went to Danzig and quickly advanced into Poland, West of Wizna.On the 9th May, 1940 they were ordered to join the western campaign and that same night, the regiment marched towards Luxemburg. After the Blitzkrieg in Poland and in France, the regiment was shipped to Tripoli in May 1941, to strengthen Rommels Africa Corps.