Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:.................German - No Subs
Picture:...................B&W - Colour
The battleship Bismarck being laid down on July 1 of 1936 at the Blohm und Voss yard in Hamburg and launched in February 14, 1939. She was commissioned on August 24, 1940 and immediately began an extensive programme of trials and training which continued until May 1941.In that month, in company with the cruiser Prinz Eugen, she sailed for the Atlantic to raid and disrupt the Allied convoy routes. It was hoped to break out undetected, but late on May 23, while passing in fog through the Denmark Straits, they were sighted by the British cruiser Suffolk. She was soon joined by a second cruiser, the Norfolk, and despite efforts to shake them off the British cruisers began to shadow and report on the position of the German force.