Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 2 : The Plunge into Reality
The Battles of France and Britain : New fighting techniques using newly developed aircraft were unleashed over Britain and France by both the Allies and the Axis and would provide a glimpse at the speed and efficiency of what was to come throughout the rest of WWII. Aircraft Featured: Hurricane, Spitfire, BF109, BF110, JU88, HE111, DO17 & 217, JU87, Bristol Blenheim, Fairey Battle and JU52.
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 2 : The Plunge into Reality
The Battles of France and Britain : New fighting techniques using newly developed aircraft were unleashed over Britain and France by both the Allies and the Axis and would provide a glimpse at the speed and efficiency of what was to come throughout the rest of WWII. Aircraft Featured: Hurricane, Spitfire, BF109, BF110, JU88, HE111, DO17 & 217, JU87, Bristol Blenheim, Fairey Battle and JU52.