Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 3 : Hitler's Biggest Gamble
The Russian Front : Operation Barbarossa and Germany's failure to bring a quick resolution to that particular campaign was arguably the turning point of the war in Europe. Aircraft Featured: Polikarpov I-153, Tupolev SB-2, IL-2, PE2, BF109 F & G Models, JU88, JU87, JU52, Yak 9, PO 2 and P39 Aircobra.
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 3 : Hitler's Biggest Gamble
The Russian Front : Operation Barbarossa and Germany's failure to bring a quick resolution to that particular campaign was arguably the turning point of the war in Europe. Aircraft Featured: Polikarpov I-153, Tupolev SB-2, IL-2, PE2, BF109 F & G Models, JU88, JU87, JU52, Yak 9, PO 2 and P39 Aircobra.