Genre:.....................WWII Documentary
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 4 : Wings of the Rising Sun
The Pacific War : The air war in the Pacific is launched commencing with a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour. This campaign saw the evolvement of carrier based aerial warfare with great battles raging between the aircraft carriers of Japan and the United States. Aircraft Featured: Mitsubishi Zero, Betty and Type 96 Bomber, Aichi D3A Val, Douglas SBD Dauntless, B25 Mitchell, P40, Wildcat, Hellcat, Corsair and PBY Catalina.
Language:................English - No Subs
Picture:....................B&W - Colour
Episode 4 : Wings of the Rising Sun
The Pacific War : The air war in the Pacific is launched commencing with a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour. This campaign saw the evolvement of carrier based aerial warfare with great battles raging between the aircraft carriers of Japan and the United States. Aircraft Featured: Mitsubishi Zero, Betty and Type 96 Bomber, Aichi D3A Val, Douglas SBD Dauntless, B25 Mitchell, P40, Wildcat, Hellcat, Corsair and PBY Catalina.